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Why is the Manosphere anti-Vegan?

Why is the Manosphere anti-Vegan?

Framing an entire debate on one "allegedly" true documentary is intellectually arrogant at best; and completely ignorant at worst. Even the best documentaries use half-truths and omissions to skew the perception of the viewer. Hell, I love watching documentaries but I take them with a grain of salt. I'd rather watch informative documentaries over persuasive ones though. Learning about space or the ocean is infinitely more productive then wasting my time being brainwashed by some liberal Vice-styled agenda. Tanner, your argument is the equivalent of someone whose global warming stance is, "Seriously guys, you don't know what you are talking about until you watch 'An Inconvenient Truth'. Just watch it and then we'll have a debate."

Basing an entire argument on a single documentary isn't much better than basing an entire argument on a single YouTube video. No one is going to take you seriously until you compile some credible sources or peer reviewed data.

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