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Why is the Manosphere anti-Vegan?

Why is the Manosphere anti-Vegan?

This thread seems to show how the whole point is being missed about animal and vegan issues. Like I said before I am a vegetarian for about 30 years now. It is the best decision I made. I power walk half a marathon once a week and go to the gym often. However the health reasons are minor. The main reason -75% - is ethics. We are destroying the planet at a rapid rate. The number one cause far above any other is meat production. The world needs to cut down on meat production immediately by about 80% minimum for its survival. We all have an ethical responsibility to future generations. The facts are quite clear. Instead of debating the facts here, one needs to watch the recently released documentary called Cowspiracy. It has had an enormous impact and vegan community has been exploding all around the world. Simply meat production is destroying the planet. You can argue against this all you want here. However, just watch Cowspiracy first. It is creating a huge change in the way people think.

Hence veganism is not really about health issues -- that is secondary. The primary is survival of the planet for future generations.

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