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Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Don't get me wrong, I think Bill Burr is hilarious but for a guy who called out John Lennon for being pussywhipped, I think he's gotten his "Instant Karma" by marrying his wife, Nia Hill.

I'll occasionally listen to his "Monday Morning Podcast" on YouTube where Burr sometimes lets his wife join him on the show. I'm not really sure how this is much different than Lennon letting Yoko Ono onstage but I digress. Frankly, his wife seems likes a real nagging feminist cunt. It's hard to imagine how being around someone like that all the time won't hurt his comedy. Personally, I'm rooting for a nasty divorce in a few years so we can get an even more embittered Bill Burr armed with some killer new material on women, feminism and marriage.


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