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Forgefulness/leaving things behind

Forgefulness/leaving things behind

Thanks everyone for all your advice, some of which was very helpful.
I've noticed I'm less forgetful/absent minded now, probably for a number of reasons.
1) Being more vigilant about keeping a diary with tasks to be done
2) Less stressed out now and therefore more clear and focussed in my thoughts, thanks in large part to my ear health improving (I will expand on this in one of the 'Tinnitus' threads
3) Working out at least twice and sometimes thrice a week, I think has helped my overall mind and body health
4) I've started taking several supplements daily like NAC, Zinc, Magnesium, Fish Oil & Vitamin D, and started taking herbal teas daily and make some green juice at least once a week, all of this extra nutrition seems to have boosted my system, and helped my overall health and productivity in my daily life

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