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Pussy Paradise lost

Pussy Paradise lost

Quote: (05-07-2016 08:50 PM)DecentFella Wrote:  

I was in Poland Dec 2015 and had 7 lays in 15 days .. when not fatigued or busy in transit I was easily able to pull every night in Krakow , Wroclaw and Poznan even in December which is supposed to be one of the worst time to visit Poland . To add I had maybe 7-8 flakes after full on make out etc because they didn't want to give in the first night or some other little reason and would have turned into lays had I stayed even a day or week longer .

Did you know that for centuries people have been travelling for exotic bangs and just like many of our brothers on this forum who are sharing their stories on army duty in some exotic land ..soldiers were banging even what we consider to be conservative times . They were travelling in their frail diseased horses until the animals dropped dead and they took shelter in the farmers cottage and bang the hot country girl with toned abs and firm ass that she maintained over years working in the farm .

The point is game and hunting has been going on for centuries and every couple of years we will have the fleeting wave of thought passing by that it's all going or gone downhill now .. It's the same with economy , music etc etc Truth is inspite of the economy our great grandchildren will feed and clothe themselves and the generation after that and the music will change its forms yet stay alive . At the end of the Day girls are horny , they want their animalistic needs fullfilled just as much as ever and if we present them that what they are looking for ( ie, an alpha dominant men in most cases including feminists )they will slurp it all up .. The invasions and feminism of western culture might rob us of the supposedly perfect wife material but it won't rob us of shags !

I can totally see OP's point regarding the untouched lands getting westernised but as some of the places become hotbeds for aggresive gaming and drunken stag dos or tourists other places will become available . For example countries like India will emerge on the scene .. India could become the next poland as their urban population is booming and the girls are trying to express their sluttyness in big cities which compared to Western world is not slutty at all . Maybe countries like Belarus will reach Polands level of tolerance(which ain't all that) and as the girls improve their English and loosen up over the next couple of years. Maybe these regions could be enjoyed while they are transitioning over the next 5-10 years !

I am a little surprised that on such a big forum and platform there are so few people trying to game or go off the beaten path and conquer new territories . Obviously I understand for most people with jobs and limited time you can't explore or risk losing your yearly holiday by taking a chance on a hit or miss location but some of the pro gamers and travellers instead of taking that 4th trip to South East asia or Ukraine or Sweden why not try out Mongolia (I know some have) or Kazakhstan and do an evaluation and conquer in a small or big way .

Apologies if this sounded condescending in any way .. Not intended !

In Poland you will have as much success as you have in the West now.
If you have game and are interesting you will score just like you would in the USA or Britain. Just that the women are somewhat better and thinner. A dude with mediocre game or over 35 will not do well in Poland.

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