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Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

Sad to see the UK go, I lived there for 7 years and despite all the things I disliked about it would have enjoyed staying. The Muslim invasion and welcoming of said invasion was my last straw. To see this invasion enter its next phase, it's heart breaking to say the least. We are truly handing over power of the country to the invaders willingly, through democracy.

What is next? My guess would be a Islamic/Muslim political party endorsed by Sadiq that eventually goes on to get seats in parliament, and even further down the line, the UK sees it's first Muslim Prime Minister. The Muslim population would not even have to out number the native population, they just have to out vote it, which is easy due to the low percent of the populous that actually votes.

It's depressing...

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