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Old school type of women in Russia?

Old school type of women in Russia?

Quote: (05-03-2016 03:56 AM)Stuntman Wrote:  

I don't mean to discourage you but I don't think Russia is the ideal place if you're looking for virgins.


Among 650 17-year-olds surveyed in the suburbs of Moscow, not a single virgin was found, the study showed.

If I were you, I would probably explore Ukraine or Belarus. They seem more promising.....most than Russia at least.

My ex was from south of russia and she was, i knew one other girl in krasandor. We talked for a while, she had a bf but never met, guy kept on flaking. We voice chat and she was talking about their arguments, how he accused her of cheating, and she said i told him "how can i cheat, i never been with a man in my life", i instantly called her out if she was a virgin, and she shamefully told me she was. it is possible, but it seems like it is a south of russia thing. If you go to moscow, or st peters it won't happen probably. You need to go to the remote places.

I know some Portuguese, so i am also going to give brazil a go, ukraine/Belarus are also on my list once i get my russian on a better level.

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