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Pussy Paradise lost

Pussy Paradise lost

Pheonix, chill out. I wasnt speaking in tone to you, I simply have taken a side (you didnt take a side per se, but you have a valid stance) on this matter and stated what I think the forum should do. In my opinion, you are taking the "nature" of men and women too literally. We are not cavemen who need to spread our seed into as many women as possible. Yes, we can all agree here that as men it is our natural instict to fuck women, but you are looking at it as an extreme competition between you and all other men. Saying "what one man doesnt get, others will get" would be valid if we were primal apes. You dont NEED to get every single woman on the planet. I just believe that having one night stands are unfullfilling, and I learned and continue to improve upon my game to get fulfillment out of women, which for me is quality over quantity. Im not really sure what your point is with the gay community, please expand on that. Im not being unreasonable here, Im just saying that complaining "women from third world countries are becoming trashy like western women" and then trying to "date" like you would in a western country is hypocritical.

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”

― Hunter S. Thompson


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