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My experience gaming korean girls in Cebu

My experience gaming korean girls in Cebu

I think your best bet would be to find a friendly Korean player in Cebu and ask him what the deal is. I don't know Cebu specifics.

For now, I am pretty qualified to help you since I'm actually Korean (Korean-American but I doubt any Korean-Koreans let alone Koreans living in Philippines are gonna sign on here) and actually bang Korean girls (check South Korea thread for some stories and pics).

My advice specific to your situation:

1. Consider working on your looks and style if they aren't top notch. Looks are important but even more so in Korea

"Early forties but look early to mid thirties"
- If you're gaming younger girls I can see this being an issue. But hard to tell without a pic. If Korean girls say you look old, hop on some Korean cosmetics no homo or PM me and I can try and help (complimented on my skin regularly. Downside being I also look like I'm in high school)

"Average looking guy"
- I'm sure you know that Koreans (guys and girls) are the hottest in Asia right now. Doesn't sound like you are fat at 6'1" and 170 lbs but not sure what your style is like. Koreans dress very well and you should, too. If you have American t-shirt + cargo pants style that is definitely not good. Generally speaking, slim and fashionable is the desired look for men

[Image: 12930973_517270821807665_643385752_n.jpg]

Edgy/street style (my preferred style)

Check this out for more examples (edgy/street, hip-hop, preppy casual, semi-formal/business seem to be the dominant styles - maybe one of those suits you):

2. Consider nightgame
- I don't daygame in general but all but 1 of my Korean bangs are from nightgame (the exception is business-related Instagram game so not even daygame). The few times I tried daygame, girls mostly had the "why the fuck are you talking to me" type of look - even despite the fact that I speak Korean pretty well and look good and have good game. In recent memory (I have bad memory), I gamed a girl on a bus and got her out on a date (but the bus was also empty... and she wasn't that hot in terms of the ideal Korean look so probably less in demand). Talking to strangers is very out of the ordinary in Korean culture. As with anything, I'm sure it can work but your chances are probably low. I guess you're not looking for "girlfriend material" since you're on vacation. Just go out where the Koreans are and find the girls that are drinking. Girls who don't drink are always a red flag but in my experience, it's a super red flag in Korea.

3. Find the language students
"Koreans make up the vast majority of foreign students in Cebu; they are far and away the largest group of special study permit holders there, holding 4,473 of the outstanding 5,065 permits in mid 2010"
- A lot of Koreans go to the Philippines to study English (it looks good on your resume, especially if you want to work for a multinational company) because it is cheaper than places like the U.S. and Canada. You want to target these types of chicks vs. the Korean expat community. These girls will be more prone to slooting it up since they're only there temporarily. My advice would be to find some sort of meetups related to languages, partying, or get in with someone at one of the language school and find where the party's at

4. Game Korean girls BY THEMSELVES whenever possible
- Koreans care A LOT about what others think of them. Approaching girls that are with other people during the day sounds like a terrible idea to me unless your game is super tight

5. Don't do this
- "Why don't you discreetly slip them a paper with your phone number on it? Similar to Philippines mall game... this way, they won't be seen giving their number to a "bad" foreigner."
- If that actually works and you have proof, I'll Paypal you $20. Koreans aren't just gonna jump on your dick because you're white unless you're a male model, in which case this thread wouldn't even exist

6. Bonus: Learn a little Korean
- Koreans are very proud of their language and culture. Learning some Korean can show you have a genuine interest in Korea vs. just some dude who has yellow fever

If you could learn that phrase "그렇지말입니다" - "Sure, of course" - girls would eat that shit up. It's a military way of speaking that has become popular thanks to the popular Korean drama, Descendants of the Sun (just ended but was hugely popular).

PM me if you want a link to watch online

Something I'm going through right now to brush up on Korean basics (this is a government site directed towards foreigners wanting to learn Korean):

Random Korea info:

"For the most part Korean girls are NOT worth the effort involved. They act like 10 year old girls and these girls have had their asses kissed their entire lives."
- I'd say that's true. Unless you have a strong interest in the girls, I don't see the point. It's way easier to get laid in other Asian countries. I just stepped off the plane in Bangkok and felt like a mini-celebrity because of the attention I was getting (but I'm also Korean which I feel is even more of an advantage than being white).
- Most Koreans are also pretty bad in bed, which I believe is just an extension of the general uptightness/formality of the culture - very hard for Koreans to let loose unless they're shitfaced (though I guess that's true in a lot of places).
- I'm not interested in relationships but I'd imagine a relationship with a Korean would be annoying considering the strong, cheesy (to me) couple culture (matching outfits, celebrating every little "anniversary" like not even by years but by months and days and shit), endless texting, etc.

"I wonder how Korea turned so racist. Any ideas?"
- I think xenophobic is a better word than racist. When I think racist I think KKK white on black crime, neo-Nazis, etc. There aren't too many hatefully racist people here. Just xenophobic in the sense that we would rather keep to our own and if you want to call it racism, it is more condescending than hateful. Japan being an exception. For example, thinking that Southeast Asians, Chinese are beneath us. (Which is funny since Korea was basically a Chinese satellite state for most of its history and thought of China as the center of the world). The only people most Koreans hate are the Japanese but more Japan the country vs. individuals (I've heard a lot of young people say in a surprising tone, "But when you meet an individual Japanese person, they can actually be friendly!") Normally, young people around the world are the "friendliest" "most liberal" but the majority of Korean youth hate Japan (reasonable but also reinforced in school, family, media, etc)
- To give you a brief background, Korea has been fucked over by foreigners forever. Mongol, Japanese, Manchu, and other invasions; forceful opening of the country by Western powers/Japan; Chinese/Japanese power struggle leading to Sino-Japanese War; Russian/Japanese power struggle leading to Russo-Japanese War; Japanese colonization (like literally trying to turn Korea into a Japanese province - forbidding Korean language use in schools and such, using Korean women as sex slaves, etc. According to a 94 year old relative of mine, you didn't get any food rations if you couldn't speak Japanese), USA/Soviet Union power struggle leading to Korean War and subsequent arbitrary political division into North/South Korea (Korea is one country, there is no difference between North Koreans and South Koreans other than the governments).
- Korea is highly homogenous like 99% Korean. Naturally, people are just used to Koreans and the Korean way. Even though there are around 2 million foreigners in Korea these days, a lot of these (like I think a third or half) are just Korean-Chinese, Korean-Americans, Korean-Canadians, and other overseas Koreans. The relative newness of most Koreans to international exposure and Korea to the global stage (going from poorer than Africa to top 15 economy in 50 years can be pretty jarring. Also, it wasn't until the 90s or so that Korea could have been considered somewhat of a rich country - most Koreans point to the 1988 Seoul Olympics as the turning point.) means that there will have to be a period of adjusting
- As with anywhere, the media blows up anything. E.g. stupid American soldiers raping girls and painting all Americans in a bad light, Americans getting drunk and causing trouble, etc. So your average Korean without any international experience might just think of most foreigners (like from the West) as uncouth barbarians.
- I never went through the school system here but even growing up in America, I was told things from an early age like Chinese are dirty, Japanese are clean (but they fucked us over via colonization so fuck them), blacks are more or less monkeys (but the ones from Africa vs. African-Americans are "surprisingly" hardworking), Indians wipe their ass with their finger and use a post-it note to wipe it after, etc. Despite all this, I did not think my parents were even that bad or as bad as your stereotypical "Asian parent" in terms of conservativeness/strictness/craziness (both were educated abroad and more cosmopolitan than most of my friends' parents).
- More info:
- Some quotes: "Biracial men were banned from serving in the South Korean military until January 2011, being biracial classified as a disability."
- "In November 2014, Sean Jones, a black Oklahoman man, was on his way for a job interview in Seoul and received a text message that reads "Hey Sean. Sorry they just told me they actually want a white teacher."
- "In August 2014, the JR Pub, a bar in Seoul's Itaewon neighborhood, put up a sign that read "We apologize But, Due to Ebola Virus we are not accepting Africans at the moment. –JR Pub." The owner said he was ignorant about Ebola but wanted to address concerns of customers, who were worried about coming to Itaewon over fears of the Ebola virus" - haha I've been to this place before
- "In July 2009, Bonojit Hussein, an Indian citizen who was working as a research professor at Sungkonghoe University, was called "dirty" and "pitch-black foreigner" by a person named Park while riding on a bus. Park also questioned Hussein's companion, a South Korean woman, whether "she was a real Korean woman" and "how it felt going out with pitch-black foreigner?"
- Google "why are Koreans racist" for more info.

"(2) A village mentality because the country is so small and everyone is related to each other to some degree."
- Not true. In the Korean-American community, there was much more of a "everyone knows everyone feeling." There are 50 million people in South Korea, 25 in the North; 75 million total. I don't know 75 million people

"Korean media puts forth the idea that foreigners are disease ridden and just want sex. I am not exaggerating about this, the news articles really encourage xenophobic behavior."
"Can someone post actual articles where the media, tv or online news outlets are saying this?"

^ Not sure how prevalent that kind of media coverage is as I don't watch the news.

If anyone wants to know more about Korea PM me and I'll try to help

New Post:
Men’s Style Guide: For Guys Who Want to Get Laid

You aren't getting laid because you still believe in "game".

Here's how I went from being a 21-year-old, videogame-addicted, Asian virgin to banging too many girls to count (no PUA bs):

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