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My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-21-2016 11:26 AM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

Said it before ... I seriously have no clue how it is possible for a man to raise a kid that doesn't look like him. This goes for cuckolds like this and even guys having kids with a woman of a different race. Can't imagine raising a half-white or half-asian baby.

Would probably throw it into a river or something.

Cuckolding and interracial unions are now one in the same.

I do believe I've heard it all now.

In any case, this has come up before. In another thread, you said this:

Quote: (12-16-2015 01:49 PM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

Surprised you guys are even considering mixed kids. Slay all that White, Asian, Latina, Middle eastern pussy you want. But breed with your own. I will never breed with a non-Ethiopian girl. I have no interest in raising a kid that does not look like me.

I'm not keen to re-invent the wheel, so I'll just re-post my response to this statement from the old thread since it is on topic here and my feelings haven't changed. This explains why I believe that the arguments against IR children proposed in this thread do not have merit and will not guide my mate choice.


I'll explain.

1. I like all kinds of women. This is a bit of a simple point, but it means that I'm strongly compelled to get with quality women of all types. If I see a quality woman and I have any chance to get at her, I'll do it and I'll want to breed her as well if she's good enough because that's my natural instinct. This desire is the same whether this quality woman looks just like me (dark skin, naturally kinky hair) or doesn't - I can't help that, and I see little reason to do so.

2. Were I to choose only to "breed with my own", I'd end up with a Jamaican girl, not merely a black one.

This means I could end up with a girl who looks like this, this, this, this, this, or even this - they're all "my own", born and raised in the culture of my ancestral home.

Since I'm on the darker end of the spectrum, I could put my focus on women who resemble me over those who may be Jamaican but are racially distinct and would produce children who didn't quite "look like me". That wouldn't do me any good, however, because the girl who looks more like me can often be the one who is least like me and least compatible with me.

An African-American girl might more closely resemble me than some Jamaican women do, but I'll be on a much closer cultural wavelength with a white, Chinese, Lebanese, or Indo-Jamaican woman than your typical black American, even though the black American more closely resembles me. Even if I expanded "my own" to include other English-speaking Caribbeans who are culturally and geographically somewhat similar, it would be the same thing: I probably would be on a more even level with an Indo-Trinidadian girl than your typical African American from Detroit or the Bronx.

At the end of the day, I would choose the woman whose cultural perspectives I find more amenable to me over the one who does not, as I think this is a more important factor in choosing a mother to a child than her physical appearance. I have to accept that a large portion (probably a majority) of the women who have such amenable perspectives don't look like me, so I'll need to be open minded to maximize my odds of finding one.

3. I want a quality woman.

Quality woman = quality children. I improve my odds of finding a quality woman when I don't exclude 80% of the world's population simply because they don't look like me. My children's hair texture and skin tone are not as important as the quality (physically, culturally, mentally) of their mother. The more open I am, the more likely I am to find the highest quality woman possible.

4. I am more than my skin tone and my hair texture.

This is the biggest reason why I don't like this argument about avoiding interracial unions because "the kids need to look like me". It is too superficial.

When people use the argument, they refer primarily to hair texture and skin tone as these are the biggest differences you usually see in mixed children.
When I look at mixed children, however, I see much more than this. There are many ways for a child to resemble you beyond hair and skin color. I've seen mixed children express the facial features of both parents, with some products of black and white unions even taking more from the fairer side that people insist is "wiped out" in such pairings. Then there's height, athleticism, intellect, persona, and the actual DNA itself to be passed down.

If I end up with an Asian or a European, my kids will not look exactly like me. They will have fairer skin and different hair. But they might have my facial features, my height, my athletic/physical traits (speed, musculature, arm length, coordination, etc), my intellect, my personality traits, and they will certainly have my DNA. They may not look just like me on the surface, but in actuality they will be more like me than any of the hundreds of millions of people who have skin and hair similar to my own and look more "like me" on first glance, but with whom I have little in common intellectually, personally, or genetically. The children may not have my hair or skin or even all of my facial features, but they will be very much like me below the surface, where it matters. That is what is most important in my view.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

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