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People who use someone's death to get attention

People who use someone's death to get attention

Quote: (12-07-2011 11:00 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

Here's the one that always pisses me off: some kid gets raped and then eaten by a bear or something, then the news is all over it, and they always ALWAYS film some stupid candlelight vigil where a bunch of obese prole women who aren't related or even acquainted with the victim get filmed blubbering over it on the local news. There's your obnoxious attention-seeking behavior right there.

Yep. Some kid at my college jumped off a balcony and killed himself a few months ago. They had a candlelight vigil and all that and like 2,000 people tried to show up to his funeral. I could almost kind of understand if the kid grew up here and was super popular or city-wide famous or something, but he wasn't. He was from another state. All these people who maybe walked past him once on campus started acting like they knew him well.

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