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How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Grades are totally irrelevant. I didn't even show up half the time in high school. Too busy making money and fucking college girls.

I look at it as this: if you have something else you're doing, some other worthy use of your time and effort, your grades should not matter. Game is a worthy use of it (we call business-gamers "salesmen"), as is working hard and investing. I spend about 3 hours a day browsing the internet, trying to find ways to make money, start a business, etc. If I get shit grades, but leave school and find my calling in life, maintaining a lifestyle which pleases me and will do so until I grow old and die, without harming the lives of others around me (like pushing crack on schoolkids, or selling fat bitches flip-flops), I'm doing ok.

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