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White Knights are just like Thirsty Expats

White Knights are just like Thirsty Expats

Quote: (04-15-2016 08:42 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

First, the idea that girls are constantly "blowing a guy 10 minutes after meeting him" is exaggerated and the sort of thing that you come to believe if you read the 'sphere for too long. Sure, it can happen in clubs and at parties when girls are drunk and/or on drugs; and it can happen with Tinder and other online hookups for some subcultures and class milieus, though usually not with a 10 minute turnaround time. But for the majority of middle class girls and women in the West fellatio within 10 minutes of meeting is very far from the norm, whatever the expeditiousness of porn scenarios or 'sphere fantasies on the subject may suggest.

I never claimed girls are constantly blowing guys in 10 minutes. I mentioned it as an example to emphasize the level of slutiness girls resort to in order to get attention and love from guys they are attracted to.

Quote: (04-15-2016 08:42 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Second and more importantly: one of the main sources of the white-knighting that is justly deplored in this thread and elsewhere is the gross sentimentalization of female nature and female sexuality by men. And to say that "sluts fuck easy for the faintest chance at some emotional connection with someone" is an example of exactly this kind of sentimentalization.
I cringe when I read something like this, just as I cringe every time I see some dude on the forum solemnly declare that a slut or a whore must have been "molested" in her childhood or adolescence to become the slut and whore that she is. Quite a few dentist and stockbroker Daddies, uncles and friends-of-the-family busy "molesting" at all times, it seems, judging by how frequently I encounter such conjectures here and elsewhere.

Having a dentist or stockbroker daddy has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. I was not talking about money. I was talking about strong, 2-parent, loving nuclear or extended families who love and support their children. I guarantee you some blonde farmers daughter from Chadron, Nebraska who grew up with 4 siblings, her parents and grandparents nearby is more situated mentally than the daughter of some stockbroker and his trophy wife from Murray Hill.

Quote: (04-15-2016 08:42 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Many girls and women, including the absurdly sentimentalized "sweet pretty girl-next-door types" just ARE sluts; they don't do it because they are deprived of emotional connection or have suffered some repressed childhood trauma. They do it because they want to.

It is a FACT that daughters of loving families like that are far less likely to cum-guzzling sluts than daughters of dysfunctional households. Sure they might have a slutty phase early in college, right after a breakup or on a weekend in Vegas. But being a slut will never be their Modus Operandi and like you said ... they often turn out to be well adjusted wives and mothers themselves.

All the turbo-sluts i know had some sort of unmet emotional need as children. Overprotective/Helicopter parenting, neglect, absent daddy , abuse ... something. What they often lack is a strong sense of identity.

Quote: (04-15-2016 08:42 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

There is no analogy between the white-knight who spends his hard-earned dough on some mediocre Thai schemer, and a normal American girl-next-door who just happens to be a slut. The former really is parting with value in its most literal form -- money -- because he worships and misunderstands women and is driven by a confused mixture of sentimentality and lust that regards validation from the female -- which he thinks of as "love" -- to be life's greatest good.

There absolutely is.

Taken to the extreme, both white-knighting & sluttyness are pathetic and self-destructive behaviors. Both are rooted in a desperate attempt to feel loved and validated. You will never find a young Sicilian-American girl who grew up with her whole extended family of 25 getting railed by the whole football team. She doesn't need it. An only child of a single-mother whose daddy missed her birthdays? Call in the other team as well.

You will also never see a guy who's got a lot of friends, solid social circle and a good relationship with his family trolling Thailand to sponsor some 6.
It never happens. The guys doing this are without exception very lonely. White-knighting in moderation is natural just as sluttyness is moderation is natural. But there's a big difference between some guy bringing flowers to a date Vs one who pours his earnings and savings into a woman who he only sees a couple of weeks a year. Just how there's a huge difference between a girl who has a ONS once a year and feels bad about it Vs the football team girl i mentioned earlier.

The current rise of white-knighting and slutiness both in numbers and intensity is due to a lack of emotional intimacy.

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