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Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Quote: (04-13-2016 02:58 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

She's just sore that she isn't worth even one goat.

True story;

I was given this goat once. It was real bad-ass looking... big horns, big goatee, big balls, real spawn-of-satan looking thing...and it was a cunt of a goat.

If you put it in a fence it would break it or climb over, if you put it on a chain, it would break it. It would headbutt people for fun and eat everything in sight.

Tried to give it away for ages but nobody wanted it even though I lied and told them it was really tame and friendly.

Eventually just had to shoot it because it kept attacking people.

WCGTGISSONTTGAFO (would consider giving that goat if she stayed one night then took goat and fucked off)

Quote: (01-19-2016 11:26 PM)ordinaryleastsquared Wrote:  
I stand by my analysis.

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