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Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

I think you Americans have a vastly different sense of "amount of hot girls" compared to Aus/NZ, probably UK.

There, you think "there are no hot girls", and mean anywhere up to "only" 10-15% of the girls are hot. When I think "there are no hot girls"(I don't know if other Aussie/Kiwi guys think that), yeah I'm literally not finding a single hottie out of maybe hundreds of girls. When you want to approach a hot girl, your main concern is that there's relatively few of them and so many fatties/uglies that she would have more of a bitch shield. My main concern is trying to find her(they aren't always around! And I don't live in a small town either)...

I think with the Uni page, it's similar. In the US you'll probably post a few of the hotter girls that you've seen around. Here hotties are rare and seeing one of the girls on the Melbourne page in person is like seeing a pseudocelebrity in a sense.

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