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Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

There are so many rhetorical feminist buzzwords in this article my hair almost turned blue reading it.


A UNIVERSITY student who spoke out against “misogynistic” men who were creating a rape culture is now being trolled.
University of Melbourne law student Laura Blandthorn created a petition against a derogatory Facebook page, Hotties of Melbourne University, which was created so people could rate women on their appearance and write offensive comments on pictures posted to the page without permission.

.....Since taking a stand, Ms Blandthorn has suffered backlash, with one man posting a humiliating meme that suggested the law student was fighting to tear down the page because she wasn’t “hottie enough”

......Ms Blandthorn said women were also being treated as trophies and something to be sold, with some men offering to purchase women for “6 goats and 100 gold pieces”

....There are pictures of both men and women posted on the page, but photos of men are often of a satirical nature and do not attract the same insults as the women.

[Image: 43ecaed30e823c1b66c7a03124a98551]

Its ok guys a petition has 16,000. The patriarchy will be crushed in no time.

Here is the Facebook page in question.

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