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What Are 3 Qualities You Seek In Another Man?

What Are 3 Qualities You Seek In Another Man?

Quote: (04-12-2016 02:26 AM)Kamikaze Wrote:  

2. Not a bitch.

I had a friend, who was like a brother to me, that highly values loyalty as some say in this thread. I am now eternally wary of people who romanticize 'loyalty' in the way he does.

A disloyal man is worse than a bitch.

Bitches have no loyalty to their man, or even their friends.

You know not to trust a bitch, but you should be able to trust someone you call a brother, and not only a friend.

I'd never ask one my brothers, the few whom I call that, to help me do anything that would seriously put them at risk, unless it was legitimately life or death. Obviously this is very unlikely to ever happen.

My point about my brother bringing a gun to my house if I asked him wasn't to say he would murder someone in cold blood for me, but if I were in trouble, or my family, I can trust him to help me any way possible.

That doesn't mean murdering someone who ripped me off for $10,000. It means if someone were trying to hurt me or my family, he's one of the few people I trust who would drop everything and rush over to help, even if it were a dangerous situation.

That's loyalty. Loyalty isn't helping him dump the body of some dude who fucked his wife. Though, I might bust the guys nose the next time I saw him around town.

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