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This guy needs to swallow the red pill before it's to late

This guy needs to swallow the red pill before it's to late

From the front page of Reddit (Link to comment thread)

Reddit Title: Friend's crazy fiance wouldn't let him go on birthday trip with friends... we brought him anyways [They brought a cardboard cutout of him.]

Link to Imgur gallery:Link

I'm cringing not just because of the situation, but about the fact that he's so fucking close to making the biggest mistake of his life. Clearly his girl is crazy, but if this incident doesn't make him realize how fucked he'll be if they get married, I'm afraid all hope is lost...

I have two reasons for posting this here: First of all, you guys realize how fucked up this is. But also, if somebody is reading this forum and wondering what the hell the red pill and this forum is about, this is it. It's about realizing that any man who respects himself, develops himself, and prioritizes properly will never even think about settling for this bullshit.

Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.

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