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What Are 3 Qualities You Seek In Another Man?

What Are 3 Qualities You Seek In Another Man?

1. Unpretentious. Not a snob.
2. Not a bitch.
3. Holds rationality and reason above all. Which, to me, is the ultimate definition, and function, of being a man.

I'd like to include a note about loyalty. Loyalty is important and desirable. But expectations of loyalty should be bounded by reason. There are people who abuse your friendship by asking you to do things that are not right. Do I want someone to have my back if I'm getting jumped by 2 dudes? Of course. And I'll reciprocate. Do I want to help a guy dispose of a body because he helped me move my TV into a new house, because he found the dude balls deep in his girlfriend? No. That's just not reasonable, and extremely selfish. Because no matter what, I would not ask anyone to do so. It is my problem.

This is not in keeping with the tone of this thread but I guess I just wanted to say it. In Spanish there's a saying: "Un amigo es un peso en el bolsillo."

It has two literal translations depending on how you choose to translate "peso."
1. A friend is a dollar in your pocket.
2. A friend is a weight in your pocket.

Some people can't handle the burden of helping you. NASA Test Pilot said it succinctly.

Quote: (04-11-2016 04:53 PM)NASA Test Pilot Wrote:  

A man who can count would not be on my list.

I had a friend, who was like a brother to me, that highly values loyalty as some say in this thread. I am now eternally wary of people who romanticize 'loyalty' in the way he does.

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