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How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-04-2011 07:10 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (12-03-2011 06:08 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Are you in Jr. High?

Grow up if you're not.

Players don't lose their cool.

This is easier said than done when attending class with the same retarded women 3-4 days a week. Sometimes, you just want to shut down the feminist in your class with some heavy handed ego-destroying insults.

But the reality is, giving any of these harpies your attention, even if negative, validates their views.

The best thing to do is read something on your cell phone, and completely ignore them. These women will end up spinsters, so just let father time take care of their over-inflated ego's. You needn't do anything.

Thanks. Just imagine Seeing and hearing the same bitches that often, plus the guys who always, Always speak about lame football topics in class.

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