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Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (12-04-2011 03:37 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I guess what we can gather here is that Europe is better if you're a guy who likes being able to fuck different kinds of women with ease. But not so great if you want to rise to a position of power and influence. America is better in that being openly racist is frowned upon and blacks can rise to great positions of power if they have the drive to get there, but at the ground level there's a lot of racial hangups and there's an unspoken rule that people should stay with their own kind when it comes to making friends, where to live and who to marry, though this attitude is a bit more muted if you live in a large progressive city.

Outside of race though, this Irish guys gives some interesting reasons why he thinks America is a worse place to live in general:

Plenty of Americans complain about these things also! His observations about Americans that don't travel is definitely something I've noticed. Only 20% or so of Americans hold passports, and most of them only use them to go to countries where they know English is spoken, or they stay at resorts and don't attempt to interact. For others, it's just a good form of indentification.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

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