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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

It's rather pointless to debate with muslims.

Google "Taqiya" and you will see that unlike Christians, muslims are morally green-lit to engage in deception when it benefits Islam. They are also under no obligation to tell the truth to us kaffir/infidels any more so than you would feel obliged to be truthful to a stray dog.

I for one am sick of the mental gymnastics certain "moderate" muslims engage in to try and spin the idea that despite the fact muslims commit the vast majority of terrorism that violence is not intrinsic to islam.

This would be like a drunk coming up with endless explanations for why he kept crashing his car.

"Oh, first time it was a spider that crawled on the windshield, and that other time the brake felt a bit funny, and the time after that there was a freak patch of ice on the road, but it's definitely got nothing to do with the booze! Booze actually makes people BETTER drivers because blah blah blah."

Frankly I'm not fucking interested any more.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

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