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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Doodle, I walked away from Islam more than a decade ago, I haven't looked back.

Indians/Pakistanis do tend to adapt better than any other Islamic culture.

However you have to see the fallacies these guys are pointing out.

Another point is, no Muslim country wants to wipe out extremism (for the most part).

Another issue is western intervention in the Middle East - without a doubt if the west left the Middle East alone, extremists would STILL lash out against the west.

A male relative of mine gave up the whole prayer Islam thing, he told me, his connection to god is personal, he doesn't need to follow a bible to trust in god or pray to him.

Most Muslims stay silent on the fact of Islamic Extremism - they don't want to fight against, maybe they fear it, maybe they've been told to be victimized so much that they really believe it.

Reform can only happen from within, which in all honestly will never happen - especially between the different sects of Islam - they've been killing each other for decades.

I used to think like you and try and defend Islam, then you throw in politics, and terrorist activities - you see the truth in that religion.

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