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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-28-2016 10:49 PM)Saga Wrote:  

Yeah, anyone who claims Sharia isn't used anymore (when it is in multiple countries and regions), or that Christians have "first class citizenship" (when in a country like Pakistan, they are constitutionally prohibited from holding several governmental positions, including president, prime minister and...yes you guessed it...the country's Sharia court which has the power to veto any law it wants), or that Islamic societies that uphold and enforce blasphemy laws are just as free and tolerant as western societies that haven't had such laws in centuries, or that Islam was never spread by force when it has been spread by conquest in the majority of areas in which it now predominates, is either totally brainless or a troll.

However, remember this dishonest, erroneous rhetoric well. From the events of the past few years, it's becoming very clear that large sections (also the loudest and most influential sections) of Islamic populations simply will not take responsibility or even acknowledge what's happening in Islam matter what happens, they will only fabricate excuses and blame everyone else.

Christians do not have 1st class citizen ship in many of the countries reference. I never said they did. I said sharia would implement this if used. No country implements it...the countries are run by elites there is no justice. take Saudi arabia for example, if you are muslim but not a national born saudi you are 2nd class citizen...sharia laws do not apply. Pakistan have no sharia court, forget it. I'm just stating the obvious. Syria is run by a non-muslim (Assad)....there is no sharia there. Anyway what else can I tell you, believe what you want. Why would anyone say it is the fault of islam for something that the west has control over. At least be logical.

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