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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-26-2016 05:28 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

There were still two americans missing from TN that were at the brussels airport during the attack. Local news is reporting that one has been confirmed dead but it has yet to appear on national news. Stay tuned.

Husband and wife, so if one is dead its likely the other is too if they have been 'missing' this long. Stay tuned, that would double the US death count to 4.

It was known for a long time that these 2 Americans were dead, but the information was withheld, so as not to spoil Obama's Cuban baseball game and tango dance these past days.

MSM waited until Obama was not engaged anymore in colorful and "happy" social events, before giving the saddening news. This way, there is no conflict of image between Obama's exotic joy, and the 2 American deaths...

Also, it's to prevent Trump from saying: "I told you so, American lives are lost because borders are not closed and checks not conducted"

By the way, European policemen have confessed that "they missed an opportunity when interrogating Salah Abdeslam"Dodgy... an opportunity to make him talk and save 33 lives... so, even policemen admit that they should have waterboarded Salah...

Le Monde, qui a aussi eu accès aux PV de l'audition, souligne que celle-ci n'a duré que deux heures et qu'elle fut «assez sommaire, truffée d'incohérences» et que «les enquêteurs ont peut-être raté une occasion d'obtenir des renseignements qui auraient pu permettre de déjouer les attentats du 22 mars.»"

The policemen only interrogated Salah Abdeslam for... 2 hours, after catching him![Image: dodgy.gif]!!

But if you steal a car or rob a liquor store, policemen will interrogate you for like, 6 hours non-stop, or 24 hours... and Salah, only 2 hours of questioning... very, very suspicious!

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