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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead


That doesn't seem very likely. I'll readily admit I'm not sure what security is like at a nuke plant, but I think we can safely assume the guards all know each other at least by sight, would know if there had been a new hire, and there's probably more than an unmanned gate to go through before accessing anything important. If those basics aren't true, the security is horrifyingly amateur.

I wouldn't be surprised if the keycard was only good for granting access to an employee parking lot without having to get past other guards. But you never know how lax the guards might be; guard duty is boring as fuck and it's easy to become complacent. Now that (it appears) the terrorists killed a guard, though, those security personnel will be very vigilant for awhile.

If you're trying to infiltrate an installation stealthily, it's best not to let your target know you're coming by murdering one of the guards if you don't plan on going in immediately. They must not be watching the right movies. You're supposed to get the guy drunk and steal his card so he thinks he lost it, or use a honey trap. Frickin noobs.

If these ISIS types were truly sophisticated and using long term planning, they'd just insert believers into positions legitimately. Have them get degrees in Nuclear Engineering and get jobs at the plant. Or do a few years in the military, get security training, and join the security force. Maybe they have done so already. I tend to doubt it, because we haven't seen anything like that so far, but maybe the time just hasn't come.

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