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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-25-2016 03:32 PM)thoughtgypsy Wrote:  

On a final note, I can't get on board with the notion that we can somehow blame the average European for this. In reality, they have about as much say in this as your average American had in mass NSA data collection, the PATRIOT act, the 2009 NDAA, so on and so forth. Alt right leaders have risen among them despite being threatened with jail time (Le Pen), being disenfranchised at the polls (UKIP), and threatened by domestic police forces. Politicians like Orban have risen to power against all odds, and natalist sentiment is reaching critical mass within other countries (such as Poland). The ones who vocally support suicidal policies in the media and on social platforms are usually paid shills, women performing empty status signalling, or those just trying not to stick out from the crowd. Anyone with half a brain and a functioning instinct knows which side of an issue is the "correct" (socially approved) one. Which side of an issue is correct is decided from above. They are not independent actors, and are only repeating the narrative which is given to them by the media. Many, if not most are against this abomination they're being subjected to. I stand by them, I have a lot of time for my European brothers.

I see it as rabble rousing aimed at right-leaning europeans.

"Muslims are committing mass violence and theft and rape all across europe and it's the average european's fault" is a manipulative, conscious lie that tries to make the reality on the ground of europe seem worse than it is, both in terms of how widespread the migration is and in terms of how complicit the average european is in harming his or her country.

There are two possible end goals of telling that lie. Get right-leaning europeans to take violent action against local muslims, or get them to leave their country and move to whatever part of the world the liar is hyping up (USA, V4, eastern europe, asia, whatever.) The former is an attempt to start or strengthen a grass roots resistance to islam in the west. The latter is an attempt to physically draw a certain type of person into the liar's life, a form of tribe building in other words.

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