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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

I agree,

muslims that people see as "moderates" here aren't muslims at all. They don't go to a mosque.
They don't always eat halal and they don't fast.

They don't put a cloth on their women's head and they don't pray at all, but if you'd ask what religion they follow they'd say islam.

An Albanian girl i used to bang who didn't wear a hijab said to me she didn't wear one because she felt like religion was something you should "feel" and not a rulebook you should follow. (we couldn't hang out in public because she was afraid to encounter one of her brothers ).

all in all i don't consider these people muslim.

other than that, me being vocal hasn't helped me and i'll have to keep my political views to myself, people are distancing them from me and i've been getting a lot of loatheful stares. I don't think this is helping the cause of waking people up.

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