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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

It's a lot more complicated than you're making it seem. Yes, they want Assad gone but doesn't mean they were intentionally funding ISIS to do so. There is no proof the US is funding them. Were they funding rebels who had ISIS members within them? Probably, but that's a different scenario.

Quote: (03-23-2016 12:08 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2016 11:59 PM)Slay it Forward Wrote:  

Please explain why the USA wants to keep ISIS in tact and operational. This conspiracy is going to be epic.

I don't think it's much a conspiracy that the US funded FSA moderate head choppers and let military assets fall into the hands of the enemy.

If you've been reading the other threads you'd know quite a few agree that the US has funded ISIS and so have the Saudis. It is a fact Israel does assist Syrians medically.

There's this country called Syria, where they want this president named Assad out of power.

You know there were these 2 guys named Saddam and Qaddafi also that got kicked out of power.

"Nation Building" aka toppling the leadership of countries we don't like is nothing new in this world.

Islam IS a problem, no doubt about that. It doesn't help that we help either side.

As far as what you believe are conspiracy theories....end up being the truth to us on the forum. We see through the bullshit and lies.

I'm not just talking about Islam, I'm talking gamer gate, the presidential race, false rape charges, the toppling of known figures, etc.

Ahmed the Clockboy was a perfect example.

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