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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 11:44 PM)Walker Wrote:  

A rash of San Bernardino style attacks is the only thing that will make a majority percentage of europeans turn against the importing of muslims.

So far, every story of something bad happening, whether a terrorist attack or a series of personal attacks, has been in a capital, or a tier 1.5 city such as Malmo or Cologne or Rotherham. As long as that remains true, most europeans will assume, correctly, that they aren't in any danger.

If the worst of the migrants keep their misdeeds to the big cities, they aren't really affecting the bulk of the european population at all.

If horror stories start coming out of places like university towns, industrial cities and rural villages, everyone will turn against them.

The only way they can truly cause long term harm to europe is if they spread out into the boonies, regularly victimize people there, but go just light enough that no scandal hits the mainstream media or goes viral on the internet.

You must not remember Paris, very violent, very bloody, yet you got the left saying OH WE MUST GIVE INTO HATE.

Mark my words - it's going to happen again. They caught the 2 guys on the train.

They found weapons caches, it's only a matter of time before some ISIS fuckheads start sweeping high traffic areas.

When it happens, I won't be surprised, and it won't instill hate towards ISIS.

They won't wake until something seriously drastic and high profile happens.

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