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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 11:15 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

European jihadis are omega male losers. Each and every one. Read their stories they turn out the same, drinking, partying as teenagers, dabbling in crime and gangsta culture, not cutting it, not getting women - or outright gay like Abdeslam - low IQ, no education, no job, no chance at getting married to local muslim women who largely won't marry degenerates and criminals. Their parents too poor to fetch a bride from the Middle East.

What future for them? Nothing.

That's where the imams do their thing, glory awaits in the afterlife. Omega male disposal islam style.

It's no coincidence the European jihadis in Syriah mostly end up suicide bombers while the locals end up with harems of slave girls.

The islam immigrant gene pool in Europe is very poor, very inbred, very low IQ. There are a lot of dregs with absolutely no place in modern society and too debased and cultureless for their homecountry culture.

True. But that doesn't mean they can't be effective. Do you remember the Mumbai hotel attack a few years ago? The guys who carried that out were illiterates who had never worn shoes prior to the attack. Yet they were able to hold off Indian Special Forces for days.

An American who was financed by the DEA(!) made a half a dozen trips to India staying at that hotel filming every square inch of it. The hotel is a labyrinthine maze as like most middle eastern structures, has renovations done haphhazardly when they have the money for it.

He filmed not just the hotel but the route from where they were inserted at night via sea to the hotel and inside. I've never been to Mumbai but I've been told that there are very poor street signage, layout, etc. Yet these goat fuckers were able to find there way to the hotel (despite the first time ever in a city) and carryout one of the most devestating attacks in modern Indian history.

Funny historical one explained to the Mumbai attackers how an elevator works. There is video of them jumping up and down in it and slapping the numbers above the door to try to make it move.

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