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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 10:49 PM)Teutatis Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2016 08:57 PM)cubanlinx Wrote:  

I know this is a hugely sensitive topic, but in the light of the Brussels attacks I felt like I should let my fellow rvfers know.

As far as I know there are three muslim members, you, Mikado and Kaotic, who left the religion, and I commend him for that because I can imagine how hard an ex-muslim's life can be. I think it's safe to assume the three of you, and other muslims like you, do not wish harm or destroy western civilization, and I can only hope more muslims will join you, we need more to criticize and denounce the atrocities of Islam, both for your own sake and for ours. Unfortunately it appears to me you guys are still a very small minority.
I know it's a private matter and you guys don't have to share it but I would honestly like to know how your families and muslim friends react and think about all these events, are they pro western or pro Islam? Are they ok with Islam and think everything's fine or do they admit in private it needs to radically change? Do they feel conflicted or just pend to one side?

I'm also muslim, and I can tell you that whether they are pro western or pro islam (and I have plenty of relatives who are both) none of them are pro-isis. If you find someone who is 'in real life' pro-isi I will be surprised. That said I will just come right out and say it that ISIS is run out of US and Israel and they are very weak. They are more or less Al-Qaeda re-branded. Hence why no US policy really wants to wipe out this (their) group. Anyway most people know this already but it is always good to keep this in mind when events like this happens. Don't be so fast to believe the Govt's and MSM when they give you the story of who-dunnit, you cant trust them on other things so dont think you can trust them on this. As if they can figure it all out within hours of the event, that itself makes the story stink to high heaven.

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