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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Some advice to European RVFers...

We gamed this when I was in the military and I've trained for it as a first responder.

If you are somewhere and something goes down what are you going to do? If you don't have a plan at that point it is too late.

Do you have an Every Day Carry (EDC) bag? Get some good swim goggles and an n94 respirator or the best particulate mask you can get from a home improvement store in your country. This will help in the event of a gas attack, police tear gassing an area in response or just getting through the smoke and haze after a blast.

Plan for a secondary device. Standard Operating Procedure for the well trained cells is to place a secondary device for police, fire and EMS. It could be on a timer or they could have someone line of sight waiting to detonate it. Figure it is going to happen.

Look for choke points and funnels. Is there a blast at the end of of a train platform? Is everyone going to be forced to flee to an escalator or stairwell? Is someone waiting at the top with an AK? Don't run blindly. Take the few seconds and scan your surroundings.

I am a firefighter with a major municipal department in the United States. I figure there is a now at least a 10% chance I will respond to an incident of this type before I retire.

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