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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 05:41 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

Pretty much everything that happened after paris is happening now with brussels. Its hard to feel sorry for the europeans cause it seems like they never learn and will never learn. At this point i could care less about europe. For me it's a lost cause as harsh as that may sound. It's the same lighting up buildings, "Je suis this and that", flowers and candles and stupid written messages about how they make peace not war, People changing their profile pictures to be a belgian flag. No policy changes, no enhanced security... basically nothing will change.

It's like watching an Obese person eat themselves to death after getting multiple heart attacks and having tons of problems with their health or a smoker who gets lung cancer and still smokes. At this point its impossible for me to feel sorry for them.

I'm convinced now that there are only two things possible in western europe

1) Europeans become a minority on the continent and eventually Sharia law comes and they're Killed off by the migrants they let in.

2) Things get soo bad in europe that eventually they put stop all immigration from Africa and Mid. East and put current muslims in camps like America did with the japanese.

It sounds crazy but i genuinely can't see another path for europeans going forward. They are literally hopeless.

In addition to continued clashes with Islam, I think severe economic decline will be the saving grace for Europe. It's already starting with national debt and high unemployment in several countries, but not just high unemployment rates will fully awaken, but seriously noticeable decay in standard of living combined with increased reality and frequency of Jihadist bloodshed. Outright failure of the secular welfare state will cause ordinary European citizens to look back to their Christian faith. When you reach a point where your best daily prospects often involve nothing more than going to various government and private charity establishments, the last thing you'll wanna see are Muslims flaunting their Islamic nationalism while you're waiting in line at the soup kitchen to get your din-din.

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