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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 07:28 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Here is something that not everyone understands: good people like Trump who have had happy successful lives and are not subject to the despicable Year Zero ideology of nihilism love simple everyday normal life in which people just go about their business and enjoy their time out in a coffee shop or on the street; they love how life can be when you don't have bloodthirsty monsters in your midst who want to chop off heads and blow off limbs. So their instinct is to protect this life and keep it safe.

However, the Year Zero cadres that have come to dominate the media and academic elites of today secretly (or sometimes not so secretly) hate life and hate the world as it is -- and they hate the human being because it is the being that has become aware of the truth of "meaninglessness" all the way down the line. So deep in their hearts they delight in the spectacle of terrorism and destruction, because to them it represents truth; they think of normal people just going about their day and enjoying their lives as zombies who are living a lie, pretending that everything is just fine and dandy and distracting themselves with trivial everyday pleasures; but the "migrant" suicide bomber wakes them up from this lying dream and confronts them with the "truth" of death and "meaninglessness" that we all must acknowledge sooner or later.

QFT, the leftist SJWs are despiccable people, dark, dark souls, they might have had a chance to become happy human beings once, but years of lying and deceiving, years of envy and loathing, turns them into gouls, unable to find joy in simple life. Unable to find beauty in a peaceful sunny day, unable to find pleasure in simple honest love and affection, unable to find pleasure in the happiness of others.

They show it in everything they do, they build awful ugly architecture such as Brutalist Architecure, which incidentally is where every refugee or immigrant was housed in Europe. Soul destroying surroundings, common in Eastern Europe, meant to break the spirit of the humans inhabiting them:


In its ruggedness and lack of concern to look comfortable or easy, Brutalism can be seen as a reaction by a younger generation to the lightness, optimism, and frivolity of some 1930s and 1940s architecture.

[Image: 440px-Trellick_Tower2.jpg]

Which human being can prosper in such a setting?

It shows in their art too, twisted, distorted, perverted shapes and objects. Here is the painting of a famous danish painter, Michael Kvium, the most cherished of leftist painters in his country:

[Image: foolsblogbanner.jpg]

What a sick mind painted this portrait?

A healthy human feels disgust at both Brutalist Architecure and Post-Modern Art.

Awful and sick these people are.

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