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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 07:01 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

A lot of the dissidents do not speak openly against the narrative because they are smart enough not to do so, but that doesn't mean they are not pissed off. All they need is proper organization and one push in the right direction. That's how all revolution start. I really really hope the army, even just a portion of it, supports the patriots.

You only need about 10% - 20% of the population to start a revolution.

I'm pretty sure that the most European countries have enough people to start a revolution at the moment.

However, there are two problems, which are preventing the European nationalists from uprising.

First, there is no effective leadership.

Second, and more importantly, the Europeans don't have guns and it is difficult to legally acquire a gun in Europe.

Trump is playing chess while Soros is playing checkers, and the other cucks are off playing Candyland at Jeb's house. - iop890

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