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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

I have been avoiding going to London for about a year now because... Well you don't exactly need the gift of foresight to see that this shit is imminent.
I have lots of friends there. But London is a fucking shit-hole anyway. So It's not like i cared all too much.

But I fucking Love Belgium. I usually spend about $300 per month just importing Belgian beers. Every few years me and my mates do drinking holidays there.
It's kind of obvious that an attack was imminent there also. Considering that they have the highest percentage of Muslims than any other country in Europe.
I have always been saying on these drinking holidays "Yeah, in half a generations time this will all be haram and we will need to find somewhere else that does Trappist beer". But I didn't actually think it would get hit with an attack.

Fuck. I wish they just blew the fuck out of the EU building or something.

I was actually thinking about moving somewhere else in Europe this summer. But then I started to think of places I would like, and it hit me... There is nowhere nice left in Europe.
Somebody said on like page 3 or 4 of this thread: "if trump gets elected, I'm moving to the states". Sounds like a brilliant idea to me.

The less fucks you give, the more fucks you get.

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