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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 07:54 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

Belgian government is so Politically-Correct, they won't call the islamist terrorists, well, "islamist terrorists", no: they call them mere "persons"! Even the word, "terrorists", they won't use this word so as not to "stigmatize"!
"Le gouvernement belge "craint toujours qu'il y ait des personnes dans la nature"

L'enquête sur les auteurs des attentats qui ont frappé mardi Bruxelles est "toujours en cours", les autorités craignant qu'il y "ait encore des personnes dans la nature", a indiqué mardi le ministre belge des Affaires étrangères. "L'enquête est toujours en cours", a dit Didier Reynders, interrogé par la télévision belge RTBF. "On craint toujours qu'il y ait des personnes dans la nature", a-t-il ajouté."

Meanwhile, weak faggot "artists" start their gay-ass pics and memes:

[Image: XVM5eb17110-f01e-11e5-875e-0271441e5d1c.jpg]

Our enemies kill us en-masse, and all we do is drawing crying gay couples and loving hearts!

The boys and men who went into the meat grinder of WW2 were not creating some sort of artistic imagery to boost their social media credentials, they were ready and waiting to fight.

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