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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 09:50 AM)Baphomet Wrote:  

Europe did this to themselves. This is the price of political correctness. Europeans, Americans, Canadians, and Australians, have dropped to their collective knees to worship at the alter of political correctness.

Boston, Paris, Brussles, etc etc.. "Tolerance and Understanding" will not stop it. The idiot groups mentioned above simply cannot grasp that this IS a Religious War fought by people who do not take their religion as "something they do on Sunday and forget about the rest of the week."

Europeans, Americans, Canadians, and Australians, have NO CONCEPT of how deeply these people believe. Every other phrase out of their mouths is "Allahu Akbar" - "God is greater."

They DO NOT want to "coexist" in peace, they will take nothing other than absolute surrender and subjugation to Islam and Allah or Death. There is no middle ground with them or for them.

The Euros et al. do not have the moral capacity to understand this mindset. So they (we) attempt to appease via political correctness. This is viewed as nothing other than weakness by the islamists, and bombings are the result.

Europe did this to themselves. I pray for the victims, their healing and strength, but this will be a rinse and repeat for as long as it takes the islamists to establish their Caliphate.

As long as our governments allow this to happen, this will turn into the new normal. I'm angry, but resigned at the same time. They simply don't give a fuck. It's not affecting them, so why care. The men and women at the top eat GMO free food; live until the age of 90, send their kids to good schools, are relatively safe from terrorism, while ordinary citizens suffer from their callous decisions.

I am not going to go down the road of our fellow banned poster just now and say that there is nothing wrong with Islam. It's simply incompatible with Western culture and values. But why is it being imported into Europe? If Belgium, France, Germany, et. al. were really concerned with terrorism, they would not be importing it there. A fish rots from the head.

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