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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 08:40 AM)Doodoo Wrote:  

Can anyone explain to me _why_ people are blaming Islam for this? Because of my understanding of their religion is that terrorism, unmotivated violence and killing innocent people is highly condemned. Yes, I understand these people probably call themselves Muslims and followers of Islam's book.

But isn't the actual problem that their verses (by so-called Muslims) can be interpreted in approximately infinite ways and thus the people who choose to follow Islam in such a manner that they think bombing public places is a good thing to do are actually the problem? Which strikes me as odd, because even if you interpret it 1:1 by following every word, there are still a handful of verses from the top of my head which - especially if taken literally - would make any of these "purists" reconsider their actions.

That's why it strikes me as particularly odd and why the narrative of "Islam is the problem" is - in my opinion - not holding up.

This is a serious question and I understand that everybody is currently feeling hatred due to what happened today and seems to happen very regularly these days.

Pull your head out of your ass and read the Quran and then the Hadiths.

While the bible has old testament versus about killing, sodom, etc. Jesus new law in the new testament supersedes this. In such, there is no such Jizya or infidel killings in the Bible.

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