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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 07:50 AM)Wreckingball Wrote:  

Just as we fat shame women, I will start to islam-shame people.

I shame the hell out of everyone.

Today I shamed an atheist Jew -- he says hes culturally Jewish, who knows -- because he called Trump worse than Hitler. I asked him what he meant and he said Trump is a terrible asshole. So after calling him a fucking moron and a traitor to the millions of his dead Jew kinsmen murdered by Hitler I further made fun of him that all his leftist newspapers that brainwashed him are run by Jews, so he is being turned into a self-hating, truth denying Cuck Jew by other cuck Jews who hate everyone. It was a tense lunch.

I don't have many friends here since everyone I meet is a leftist -- its a result of so many guys studying political science and literary criticism, cant get a job, go to China to teach English.

I say, shame away, but realize everyone will hate you because they are brainwashed idiots.

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