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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Despite this situation being terrible, we all knew it was coming, as we all know there will be (a lot) more of these discpicable attacks being executed.

Let's face it, everyone with half a brain knew that after last weeks arrests of terrorists chances of new -soon to come- attacks instantly increased. Here they are. These 'people' attack where and when they want. They're just waiting for 'orders' on a time and place.

All of these attacks being called 'retaliations' for something they are convinced of 'The West' did to them. Whether it being insulting their Prophet, them being poor, them not finding a job while having an engineering degree etc. For them, there will allway's be an excuse to do harm to others in the most horrible ways one can think of.

Luckily, the EU and our 'national governments' (do they still have any use?) understand this. They do everything in their power to not piss off these people so we cherish them with free housing, food, money, healthcare and we even invite all their family members to come join them and experience the wealth of Europe. At the expense of their 'own' people the EU brings in Pandora's Box, and we just sit and stare how everything our ancestors built gets destroyed. Thank you EU, xoxo.

I'm no religious man, but this complete ultra-mega-migration joke is like the biblical plague of locusts and we didn't even try to close our doors and windows..

How do I have sex without losing the vitality that comes with the high levels of T? - Elmo Louis

Easy bro - pull out and cum in your hand. Then shove that cum in your mouth and swallow to avoid losing your vitality or lowering your T. - Yardog

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