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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

War on the streets? A change in direction? The waking up of liberals?

Are you guys even on the European continent? No such thing will happen for many years, if at all, and this event will soon be forgotten like Paris because Europeans and Brits are fucking stupid and too stuck in their peace utopia where bad things happen to unfortunate people in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I hate that sentence, the wrong place at the wrong time. Here is what it should read; "wrong people in the wrong fucking country carrying our murder", which last time I checked is wrong.

The weather has improved significantly, Russia has lobotomised IS and Al'Quaeda in Syria and the path to Europe is open for many months to come so why not go there instead? Plenty of juicy tourists and natives to kill and if you're struggling to hide, don't worry! The police and military are too busy chasing motorists or ghosts to even investigate the slums and no-go zones full of, yes you guessed it, followers of Islam.

Remember this too, police forces need outreach programs and charities in order to have a chat with the local Imams and gangs and don't forget, they are completely un-awares of terrorists in their midst! Not that the communities are full of people who know each other like the back of their hand and it isn't just a fresh occurrence in the past week where there are problems with young men who follow Islam wanting to commit mass murder for the sheer thrill of it.

Outrageous claims! [Image: lol.gif]

Tell me guys, if you had to negotiate with a woman to get laid through a third party and have this third party require the woman to report her activities, what are the odds that you will bang?

Chances of her brushing you off?

Now apply this same thinking to those communities. Do you really think they will grass on their own? We rely on the CIA & NSA to create intelligence reports about EUROPEAN targets, how fucking absurd is that?

I understand they have local sources but these rats are stupid for the most part but occasionally they get through the net and kill people. What would work even better than any intelligence report is the removal of these no-go zones, refusal to let them inside our borders and the demolition of their religion in our countries.

However we're not at that point because as I said, we Brits and Euros are too wrapped up in our peaceful bubble.

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