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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 05:45 AM)gallia Wrote:  

I don't see any change in my twitter or facebook feed.

This isn't going to wake up anyone, they won't even mention it in a couple of weeks.

I've been very vocal about this and the paris attacks to the point that a lot of people who used to be close friends don't even want to talk to me anymore.

All i see is things getting worse very quickly. I had a short discussion about the events with a muslim friend of mine , it's weird , the world upside down : he agreed with my views whilst "my own" people shun me for them.

Good, you've tried and they turned their backs on you. You have nothing more to offer, don't ever feel guilty if anything happens to them in the future. You'll just have to make better friends and allies. If in the future things get worse and they come begging for your help, don't bother helping them. That's how I see it and how I'll act if these things get worse.

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