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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 06:29 AM)Thaitanium Wrote:  

Interesting, a Dutch correspondent just said at the NOS (national news channel) that the bombs at the subway supposedly went of at 11 minutes past 9. So 9/11. He even said that would be a too big a coincidence.

Gotta give it to those bombers though, they love symbolism.

I personally think these attacks were done with the help of government officials to promote either a war or a police state (given the fact that it's Europe, I'll go with the latter), and not just random Muslims wanting to see their 70 virgins right away. The symbolism, the planning, etc. is just too sophisticated to be done by a bunch of random refugees coming to Europe with 5 dollars and a hand sack.

And meanwhile EU politicians will do their dog and pony show for the cameras ("this is the worst thing to happen to my country since the Nazi's invaded us in WWII blah blah blah", "our heart goes out to the victims" "we will be stronger" etc.) and then laugh and eat their caviar with the rest of their globalist buddies once it's all over.

In the words of The Who, "we won't get fooled again".

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