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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Posting this on the chance it is legitimate and that the rest of the events being warned of come to fruition. This post, made on 3/17, warned of "targets in Belgium." It sounds very alarmist but I figured it would be better if everyone was aware rather than keep silent. The attack today could very well be a coinicidence, but act accordingly to the best of your judgment.

There are a number of other relevant links contained in the post linked to in the quote.


I put up the Mayday ad linking to this thread;

I'm here to clarify a few things;

1. It is happening. War is coming. Now is the calm before the storm. Use your time wisely.

Jihadis ("JV") are planning a coordinated, simultaneous attack (the "zero hour") on multiple Western cities, especially in Europe, involving WMDs. The EU parliament has reported Washington DC, London, Rome, Paris, and "targets in Belgium" "were specifically mentioned". If you live in one of those cities/areas consider evacuating ASAP. Additional cities, tho not specifically mentioned in the EU report, will likely be hit at the same time.

I don't know with certainty when. May Day makes sense for the "zero hour", for reasons I've described, but it could be sooner and it could be later. Isolated attack(s) may precede the "zero hour" as well.

Consider the sociological implications in addition to the immediate physical effects of an attack with WMDs. People will panic. Critical infrastructure (food, water, medicine, etc.) may be unavailable. Transportation may become difficult or impossible; borders may be closed. Consider preparing adequately beforehand, for yourselves and for your loved ones; and remember, "an ounce of prevention [eg. being out of harm's way] is worth a pound of cure".

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