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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 06:14 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

I'd say for all the major tourist attractions it is way too dangerous right now. This is not to say I think any of the guys in there right now would find it overly dangerous, but someone in-country is, simply put, going to be in a better position to spot a situation or person who is a bit "out of place". Your average Western tourist going in for a few weeks, not a chance; if pickpockets know which places to hang around to hit tourists, I see no reason terrorists would not.

I will be going to Europe in June. Normally I wouldn't give a shit and just go but use common sense when I'm there, but I am an employee of the United States military, and we need security clearances before we leave the country. I am worried that I might be prevented from going. My anger is literally impalpable right now. I had a hunch to take this trip last spring, but I needed to save more money. Had no clue that late 2015-early 2016 would've been a total shit show in Europe. There was a two week ban on all travel to Paris right after their attacks for U.S government workers. [/i]

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