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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 05:36 AM)Cataldes Wrote:  

I've been considering leaving Europe for a while. I am now convinced it's time to go.

Quote: (03-22-2016 04:39 AM)Glaucon Wrote:  

I am moving to USA if Trump gets the presidency. I dont want to live EU if its the same as the middle east.

This is NOT the time to go and throw away your country to the invaders. This is the time to band together and get organized. Our countries are not worthless, our corrupt and traitorous governments are.

I know people feel alone and powerless. I do too. We are being deliberately isolated from each other via media censorship so we think it's only us while many people feel this way.

Our governments and institutions have been infiltrated and subverted by hostile groups who are determined to destroy our cultures, our communities and our future. They have been succeeding.

We should respond not with capitulation but with organized resistance. First, we have to really wake up and understand what is going on. We've been conditioned since the day we were born to accept this, to dismiss dissenters as crazy, to not become a conspiracy wacko. Just close your eyes and accept you and yours are being dispossessed and replaced.

I am also still doubting myself, despite being smart and educating myself. So it's normal that most of our fellow countrymen don't see it yet. We have to fight and we have to fight smart.

This is why I am so hopeful about the Trump phenomenon: The same people that control Europe also control America and they want to erase our self-determination and destroy our peoples. We need an American government that does not side with the invaders when we rise up.

We have to organize and we have to fight.

I am in Western Europe. Where is everybody else?

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