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Mendoza, Argentina Datasheet

Mendoza, Argentina Datasheet

Quote: (12-01-2011 09:50 PM)Soma Wrote:  

Quote: (12-01-2011 08:48 PM)gringochileno Wrote:  

In case I ever make my way back there, what nights are good for going out? I never checked out the club scene but from what I could tell everything seemed pretty dead during the week.

In high season, Mon-Sat there's stuff going on, with Wed-Sat the busiest. Bigger clubs are usually Fri and Sat. Tapers off in December and March. Outside of that, there's stuff going on Wed-Sat, with Wed and Thu sometimes busy, sometimes not.

Makes sense, I was there in August. The night we got in from Santiago was a Monday, and everything on Aristides was completely dead except a couple of sit-down bars that had maybe 15 people between the two of them. We ended up just drinking a shitload of Andes and woke up vomiting the next morning (nothing to do with the beer, I actually liked that stuff).

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