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Mendoza, Argentina Datasheet

Mendoza, Argentina Datasheet

Quote: (12-01-2011 11:15 AM)Soma Wrote:  

2. From personal observations and discussions with Latin men there. As an extreme example, one friend with strong game banged 50+ girls (he lost count) in 2 months, all gringas.

Damn!! 25 DISTINCT BANGS PER MONTH? Shit, I'd be happy banging gringas exclusively too! [Image: smile.gif] That almost a new gringa every fucking night, I don't even fuck like that in Colombia. On my way to Mendoza to fuck gringas myself now [Image: smile.gif]

What country was your Latin friend from? Was he short like teh average Colombian under 5'10" (1.78m) in height?


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